Tuesday, Febraury 2, 1999 - 08:42:05 pm:
Message from John Vickers at


This page was getting somewhat long so I have opted to create monthly files for notes as per above. Everything is pretty well done - it would be great if we could get some family pictures from younger years as well as more email addresses.  Stephen Kingston - your Grandmother's house story was really great!


Saturday, Febraury 6, 1999 - 10:24:50 am:
Message from Kate Weissler at


I'm Kate (Ann Marie Weissler's granddaughter), from Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  I just met my first Canadian connection, Kevin Vickers.  He told us about this website (it looks great) and my family and I are planning our trip for next summer.  I can't wait to meet everyone!  I am 12 years old and have a little brother named Sam Kingston Weissler.  My parents are Mark and Ann Weissler.


Kate Weissler

Sunday, Febraury 7, 1999 - 10:53:32 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi everyone!

This website is just WAY too cool! John Vickers, you did an incredible job setting this up...what a great resource and way to stay in closer contact with one another. :-)

I am Ann Marie's daughter Mary and I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  That makes me the Kate's aunt (she wrote yesterday).  Anyhoo, I have to dash off to work at the moment but will be back soon to check this all out more thoroughly (just got the web address from dad).

Dad, unfortunately, does not have a puter. I think we should all make a group effort to coax him into getting one!



Sunday, Febraury 7, 1999 - 04:26:13 pm:
Message from John Kingston at


Where is Chapel Hill in North Carolina - on the coast or inland?  It got me thinking about how far the Kingston Clan has spread over the world.

It might be interesting to find our limits. I am laying claim to the Kingston furthest North - Edmonton, Alberta. Who can top me?


Monday, Febraury 8, 1999 - 12:07:50 am:
Message from Tom Kingston at

Hello Weisslers!!!

Where the hell is George Kingston Weissler and that Slichenmeyer woman?  I haven't heard from them since my roadtrip.  I hope they check in real soon!

As for Joe Weissler getting a computer, good luck with that one.  I casually mentioned it to him when I visited him for a couple of weeks in the summer of '97.  His response was somehat firm indicating he had no interest whatsoever in getting one.  It was a "Kingston NO" said in true Kingston fashion when a Kingston's mind is made up and the discussion is over.  This was entirely out of Joe's character and I'm sure it was only the influence of a Kingston that made him respond that way.  Don't worry... it wasn't that bad... it was nothing like the "Kingston NO's" I got from my father from time to time to time.
It's good to see we've had some more visitors. I was beginning to think there was a hole in the net!!!


Monday, February 8, 1999 - 07:30:32 am:
Recieved via Email (

We are really enjoying learning about our relatives.  Thanks for all the work.  Count on us for August 2000!

Ann Weissler

Monday, February 8, 1999 - 09:22:52 am:
Recieved via Email

Actually used the chat room with Mary Leslie this evening (was the first time I had seen someone in there, it
was kinda fun in an internet sort of way!)

Stephen Kingston

Tuesday, Febraury 9, 1999 - 06:49:37 am:
Message from Ann Weissler at


Chapel Hill is right smack in the middle of North Carolina. We are a 2-3 hour drive from the coast, depending where on the coast we are going, and about a 3-4 hour drive from the mountains. If anyone is in the area, please stop by. We had a great visit with Kevin last week.

Ann Weissler ( I am Kate's Mom)

Tuesday, February 9, 1999 - 09:44:07 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

Hello Again,

For the convenience of those high flying surfers out there and their hectic schedules, I will post notes here at Gill Net Lodge when our TESTIMONIES or ARTICLES sections are updated with further contributions.  That way, you can just breeze down this page and know you are up to date with the latest.

I have fond recollections of when Joe, Ann Marie and family use to visit our home in Newcastle years ago.  With Grandmother Kingston staying at our house for many years, it was really great to have relatives visiting - you got to know everyone (or almost everyone!.)

John V

Wednesday, Febraury 10, 1999 - 09:16:17 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

>I have fond recollections of when Joe, Ann Marie and family use to visit our home in Newcastle years ago.  With Grandmother Kingston staying at our house for many years<

Why thank you John!  I have wonderful memories of those times as well.  Remember the old Ellison Place? Staying there and *roughing it* was just so exciting for us as kids...and we could all just run around like a bunch of wild indians!  We used to cook meals on the old woodburning stove, make smudgepots to ward off the unbelievably tenacious mosquitos and keep refrigerated items in plastic bags in the river.

I remember one summer a little black dog wandered on to the property, obviously a stray.  We more or less adopted him for the duration of our stay and named him Blackie.  He went everywhere with us and just stuck like glue.  Of course, when the time came to leave, we had all become extremely attatched to him and I remember pleading through desperate tears to be allowed to bring him back to Wisconsin.

I know my parents were torn too...he was such a wonderful, loyal little dog...but they anticipated problems with customs in getting him back into the U.S.  I will never forget driving out of the driveway when we were leaving, car all packed, watching Blackie sitting there watching us go, fully expecting that we'd be back in an hour or so. It broke my heart and I have never forgotten him.  If I found myself in a similar situation today I would do whatever it took to either keep him or make sure he had a home.  Gimme a minute here to stop blubbering.........

OK...I've recovered. :-) I have had an idea (yes, I know it's hard to believe). Since Dad is not online I'll print up the messages in the Guestbook for him from time to time and mail them to him. If he wants to contribute anything he can send it to me and I'll type it in. Maybe he'll get the bug. :-)

I talked to George KINGSTON Weissler yesterday (my bro) and went told him how neat the website is.  He's very anxious to check it out and will do so soon. He and Nancy say to say hi to you all and let you know they'll be dropping in soon. Thanks for the Weissler welcome on the main page!  My sister Suzanne will be checking in soon also.  Thanks for being here!

Mary Weissler

Wednesday, Febraury 10, 1999 - 06:25:32 pm:
Message from Charles W.P. Loggie at

Very impressed with your effort.

Wednesday, February 10, 1999 - 08:20:21 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

Hi Mary - The Old Ellison Place isn't that far from the reunion - you could visit there again!  I always remember how beautiful it was there particularly with the river flowing by.  I occassionally still stop and fly fish salmon near there when I visit home.  Once a herd of loose cows ran me off the place!

Hello to Charles W.P. Loggie - With the assumption of your surname being related to my grandmother Lillian, I was quite curious as to the relationship.

John V

P.S.  A "Baker" Kingston has contributed a Kingston Rolls Recipe to our Articles Section.

Thursday, Febraury 11, 1999 - 10:10:36 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi John,

> The Old Ellison Place isn't that far from the reunion - you could visit there again!  <

Oh I'd love to see the old place again!  If I remember correctly, didn't the original house burn down but another was constructed on the same spot?

My brother George and SO, Jack, have really gotten into fly fishing in the past few years. They have those float tube thingies so they can navigate around in the water with flippers on their feet.  Jack even took a fly-tying course and ties all his own now.  I get a kick out of the names of the flys...wooley buggers, etc. 

Mary Weissler

Friday, Febraury 12, 1999 - 12:33:56 am:
Message from Olive Loggie C/o Charles W.P. Loggie at loggiec@actonline:

Olive asks do we bring our own chairs, oh by the way we are no good at Moose calling.

Friday, February 12, 1999 - 06:55:32 am:
Message from John Vickers at

Hi Mary,

Actually if my Uncle George or Stephen Kingston is reading this, they would probably have an up-to-date account as to what the latest status on the Ellison property.

By the way, on the Miramichi, hot flys include the BROWN BOMBER, the YELLOW BUTTED BUTTERFLY, and of course the BLACK GHOST.

If you all have speakers, click here for a sound you will have to get use to at KINGSTON 2000!


Friday, Febraury 12, 1999 - 08:12:07 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi John,

>If you all have speakers, click here for a sound you will have to get use to at KINGSTON 2000!<

The *sound* was like nails on a chalkboard and instantaneously made all my hair stand up on end. I'll stock up on industrial strength repellent before venturing north. :-)

I'll let George and Jack know about the Miramachi flys (fishing) you mentioned so they can start making some...thet'll get into this!

Well it sounds like in a few short hours our president, Billy Boy, will be acquitted of participating in high crimes and misdemeanors and we can all put this ludicrous fiasco behind us.  I am just incredulous that our country has spent an entire 13 months deliberating over this nonsense. What do the Canadians think of all this?  I'm almost embarrassed to ask!

Mary W.

Saturday, Febraury 13, 1999 - 09:28:59 am:
Message from Anne Marie at

WOW!!! ---This is evoling into a wonderful commincation tool.

John K., my brother seems to have lost his sense of direction and geography.  It is my understanding there are at least 2 who live further north than Edmonton.

Mary W. --about Bad Billy --I would sometimes get caught up in watching the Senate Hearings --It is amazing how important sex, lies and videos are to Americans.  I can never see a cigar in the same way.

Keep up the excellent work John Vickers.

Editors Note: We have posted notes from Anne Marie in our Articles Section.

Saturday, February 13, 1999 - 10:10:05
Message from John Vickers at

Whoa!  :)  I hear the hottest selling Cigar in New York is the Monica Crispo.  Actually I think the whole mess has more to do with a philosophical group of elected politicans vs. the general public.

We're lucky up here - Prime Minister Chretien tried the new impotency drug and didn't work. :)

I added a part two to Grandsmothers House in Articles.


Saturday, Febraury 13, 1999 - 12:31:25 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi Anne Marie and John,

Now, Anne Marie, who exactly is your dad?  I'm embarrassed to say I'm having trouble keeping everyone straight, but's one helluva big family! :-)

>We're lucky up here - Prime Minister Chrietien tried the new impotency drug and didn't work. :) <

R O F L ! ! !

I just posted a brief note about Grandmother's house on King George Hwy. in the Articles section. Guess what, I just found Grandma's recipe for ginger cookies and for her raisin bread in my old recipe box. They are on index cards in her handwriting. *sigh*  I'm dashing off to work right now but will put them in the Articles section real soon.

Mary W.

Saturday, Febraury 13, 1999 - 05:26:54 pm:
Message from Will Vickers at

Hi John...I was just looking at the website. It's really nice to read the all the comments.

From North of 60 (Take note John the shores of Great Slave a cool  -35

Hello to everyone!


Editors Note:  Will has posted a story about Grandmother in Articles.

Sunday, Febraury 14, 1999 - 07:08:03 pm:
Message from Kevin Michael VICKERS at


It is great that you found the website.  I am going to pack a bag with some of Andrew's (my son-your cousin) old hockey equipment and send it to Sam Kingston WEISSLER.  Any kid that can punch like he can should be playing hockey.  I know that your mother Ann will be impressed! 


Sunday, February 14th, 1999 - 08:38:19 pm:
Message from Stephen Kingston at

I will have to defer to Uncle George on Allison Place's condition (I haven't been to Allison Place in awhile and I only make it to Mom and Dad's about once a year with not a huge amount of time to beat around in the woods - at Mom & Dad's - you're there!).  It is probably a little 'brushy' (lots of alders and switchgrass around, making it semi-hard to get to).  I will make a point of asking Dad the next time I call home. I was definitely the non-woodsy son.

Mary Weissler - those recipes you have in Articles are making me hungry (what I did not mention in my article about Grandmother's cookies is that I ate as many cookies as grandmother would give me.  I have a son now who is very similar when he visits his own grandparents (!)).  And her bread was awesome.  It'll be a great project for one of these dreary winter weekends with the kids).  I think Clinton has probably been a great president in terms of the economy, etc. but will always be remembered as a goof for the Lewinsky / Flowers / Jones / Mondale / whoever... Kennedy was likely as bad but the press was less intrusive.  If he had Hard Copy or the Drudge Report to deal with...).

August hopefully will still be good fishing - waders are derigueur (I am an anomaly and my father's disappointment as I never really got into fly fishing much as a kid (just wimpy stuff like trout, salmon/grilse was too much work. Plan on getting Spencer into it a little this year).

John Vickers if you mention Bobby Goldsboro (guhhhh...), I have to mention - Lawrence Welk! Saturday night around 6 or 7 pm if we happened to drop by Grandmother's, I could guarantee that would be on.  Kinda funny - When my wife and I went to Palm Springs California in 95 or 96, we actually stayed at a place called the Lawrence Welk Desert Oasis (as you can probably guess, we were among the younger couples there and no there was no bubble machine upon arrival).  Talking about this just makes me think of bad 70's Canadian TV (Tommy Hunter, The Beachcombers, Juliette, yeesh!) and wishing I had booked a trip south this winter.

AnnE (!) Marie, I feel your Dad's pain (to stay in the Clinton theme) - it takes us about 13 hrs. to get to NB from Ottawa.  We did it once straight through but it's murder.  I FULLY understand why Mom & Dad didn't do the big vacation thing with us (told Dad that last summer and he just laughed).  If I recall, your Dad used to drive from Dryden ONT which is at least a few more hours on top of going from here.  Very admirable indeed (what's the record for motion sickness?)

Willie I saw you mentioned in the STU Alumni Newsletter (can't believe Keating is a Vice Principal!).  I am sure a copy is winging its way to you.  Have been thinking of those times you used to come up to our place in the summer and some of the hilarious things that used to go on.

My best to all


Tuesday, Febraury 16, 1999 - 12:57:23 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi Stephen Kingston!

Good to see you in the Gill Net Lodge!  I'm sure you'll enjoy making grandma's raisin bread some dreary day with the kiddos.  You can assign them the job of separating all those raisins.  :-)  It is really a great recipe and kids love it.  As for Mr. Clinton, yes, he will always be remembered in conjuction with cigars and stained blue cocktail dresses I think. Ugh. :-)  I just wish to god none of us had ever found out about any of this!

Well, it sounds like you're planning on coming to the reunion...COOL! Where are you living now?

Hey...does anyone ever chat in the Kingston Room?  I think I read that someone was talking to Mary Vickers (hi Mary!) in there.  Maybe we should schedule some times so people know when to show up.  I am usually at work in the evenings but am off 2 nights a week.  I've checked in there a bunch of times and it's always just me, myself and I.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Mary W.

Tuesday, February 16, 1999 - 04:26:29 pm:
Message from John Vickers at


When I have visited the chat room I note there are others connected to other chat rooms who can frequent the Kingston - Room.  If you're ever in the room and connect with a clans person, you can make your room private so that weird strangers don't interrupt.  You would just type the following into the box where you would normally type your sentences and hit return.

/mode #kingston-room +s

Only one of the parties in the room would have to type the above and that's it.

Mary your many contributions to KINGSTON 2000 to date have really been wonderful!  Maybe set a time for the chat room some evening, post it here and let's all see who can make it.  My traffic stats indicates within every two or three days, most online clans people breeze in to see what is going on.  :)

John V

Tuesday, Febraury 16, 1999 - 07:22:37 pm:
Message from will vickers at

John...I gather the chat room is made for the IBM computer.  My Macintosh doesn't seem to like it.  Did you get Kingston e-mail and the pictures he sent?

My Mac couldn't read that as well.  Time for a trade in.  He says that mom is sick with a cold.  Have you talked to her?  It was wonderful day up here.  We're spoiled with -10 C weather.



Did you do your taxes yet?.

Tuesday, February 16, 1999 - 08:23:40 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

Hi Will,

I didn't get it right either - wouldn't open up properly to view the pictures.  Have Al Thomas doing my returns again - its great - send him everything and that's it.

Hey - I stopped by the Chat Room for a minute and there were five of us in there!  Mary and Carmel Leslie, Stephen Kingston, Kevin Vickers and myself.  I had to go shortly thereafter however it was great to see people saying hi!  (PS - Mary W, the time was around 4:30pm Pacific)

The coding to make the room private doesn't appear to work right.  I have contacted the Chat Room administrator and hope to hear back soon.  It was kind of a drag chatting when people like someone named DELICIOUS  popped in.  .

John V

Wednesday, Febraury 17, 1999 - 11:36:39 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi John,

>Hey - I stopped by the Chat Room for a minute and there were five of us in there!  Mary and Carmel Leslie, Stephen Kingston, Kevin Vickers and myself.<

Oh shucks! Sounds like I missed all the fun! Glad you guys had a good time though. I'm off tonight and will be at home so I'll check in every hour on the hour starting at about 6PM CST. Hope I get to see some of you!

As for "DELICIOUS"... there do seem to be some very strange puppies running around who occupy adjoining houses in our neighborhood.  I have run into some gay guys who evidently have a room in our area. They were very nice though and I told them a bit about our room and why it was there.  They thought this was pretty *special*. :-)

Mary W.

Wednesday, Febraury 17, 1999 - 07:28:28 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at


I found some Kingstons in the chat area and it was really fun talking with Uncle George, Steven K. and John V. Those of you who haven't tried out this feature should most definately drop in sometime! We reminisced about times on the Miramachi and John was trying to jog Stephen's memory as to his sadness over the annual rooster kill up at Billy's.  (Stephen, I'm just like you are...really hate to see any creature lose it's life at the hands of man.) Anyhoo, it was really great talking with you guys!

We also discussed how neat it would be to have some more family photos from the old days on our website (the one of the Vickers' in the History section had me roaring!)  I'll write to dad (he has TONS of photos) and ask him to select a few for me to post.  We need you all to rally to the cause here!  If you don't have a scanner (we don't) you can go to your local copy center (like Kinko's) and scan pictures onto a disc and then send them to John in e-mail to put on the site.  Or, I guess, you could just send him the photos in snail mail and he could scan them in and send them back to you.  Whatever.. Let's get some pics in here! :-)  It would be nice to see how everyone looks today too...maybe we should set this up to the tune of a *before* and *after* theme! :-)  John, I wish I could do some of the work for you but I know nadda about website design.  You are doing great!  Thank you!

Mary W.

Wednesday, Febraury 17, 1999 - 09:46:17 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

I have finally figured out a new way to ensure chat room privacy.  When you enter chat from now on, after filling in your name and hitting the connect button a new window will eventually open requesting a password.  Put in the word MOOSE and your are in and (hopefully) we can say good-bye to strangers.  Glad that part is over with. :)
John V

Friday, February 19, 1999 - 08:52:16 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Yo John!

I just tried out the MOOSE password and it works like a charm! Way to go! Poor "Delicious" will be very disappointed though. :-(   If any of you are looking for some first rate excitement you should go check out this website:

There is LIVE cam-coverage of the family couch.  There is a dog who sleeps on the couch ALL DAY LONG while they're at work. You can go in any time of the day and watch Alex snooze.  Remember, this is LIVE!

I get goosebumps just thinking about it! :-)

Mary W.

Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 05:41:01 pm:
Message from William Kingston at


My name is Will Kingston.  My family lives in Maryland and my father is Barry Kingston.  I just wanted to say that this is a really great website.

Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 11:19:15 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi Will Kingston!

Thank you so much for writing...great to hear from you!

I guess your grandparents must be Billy and Loraine then, right?  You come from great stock, Will! :-)

How old are you?  Do you have any brothers and sisters?  Please write again and fill me in on your family.  I am your dad's cousin Mary.  Your grandfather and my mom were brother and sister.  Welcome to the Gill Net Lodge and we hope to see you around again soon!

Mary W.

Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 11:42:28 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi Kingstons!

I have been sending dad print-outs of the Gill Net Lodge message board postings in snail mail. He seems to really enjoy reading these and I will continue sending them his way. I got a letter from him today with a message he wanted me to post to you all:

"What a neat idea and fantastic construction is this Gill Net Lodge!  A typical product of Big John, who probably learned it in part from his dear old Uncle George (God bless you, George), who undoubtedly learned it from his in-house instructor, Stephanie (God bless you too, Stephanie).

Motivated partially by the marvelous Net and the coming of the super re-union and partially in pure spite re Tommy's viscious remarks about me (God bless you too Tommy: you need it more than your father!) I just may get a computer, thereby confounding all of you!  Meaning the Weissler clan who have been working on me for 'bout five years now to get one. PROVIDING: Tommy comes out to help me choose the parts, set them all up in working fashion and teaches me how to milk the machine to the last drop.  However, I'll warn you all in advance, that if that gets Mary and George Kingston and Joe Weissler; Alloysious, George, and Tommy Kingston; and John, Kingston and Monica Vickers into a perpetual motion filibuster, you may be perpertually sorry!

God Love You All!
Joe W."

If anyone has replies to Joe just post them here and I will print them out and send them to him via the snail. :-)

John, you did a great job reorganizing the main menu!  I looked at the pictures that my momma???? :=)) I told dad to send me some of our old pictures and I'll get them to you as soon as he gets them to me.

Mary W.

Sunday, February 21, 1999 - 10:00:02 am:
Message from Kevin VICKERS at


Sounds as if you are spoilt with all the great weather and skiing.  Very cold day here in Ottawa with lots of snow. Penetrating raw cold.  It was great to see my cousin Mark and to meet his wife Ann.  Your grandchildren are
great.  Saw my mother, father and Aunt Bernadette, Pat and their Kevin on the same trip as they were passing by Indian Rocks. They are having a great winter down there. Joe, I see from our cousin Tom that you are adverse to computers. That is not the Joe WEISSLER I know - get on line and come and meet all the
relatives in cyberspace.


Sunday, February 21, 1999 - 10:03:37 am:
Message from Kevin VICKERS at

I will be in the Chat Room at 4:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Atlantic 2:00 pm Mountain, 1:00 pm Pacific. Sunday - February 21.

If no one is in there, I ll be back in at 7:00 pm Eastern

Regards to all


Monday, February 22, 1999 - 12:32:34 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hello Kingstons!

I am making the "Kingston Rolls" from the Recipe section as we speak.  I'm at the stage where I'm waiting for my scalded milk mixture to cool down and the yeast is activating in warm water.  Jack has some super-duper yeast imported from France.  I put it in a bowl with the warm water, came back 15 minutes later and the stuff was foaming all over the place! I hope we won't have any explosions when I bake the rolls!

Our little dog Albert (Miniature Pinscher) gets extremely excited when there's any sort of cooking going on in the kitchen.  He stands at absolutely rigid military attention waiting for fall on the floor. When something does he makes one furious, bullseye dive for it and runs at full tilt into his crate in another room.  Inadvertantly dropped food is MUCH more exciting for him than anything you might "offer" to him.  It's like manna from heaven.  Stolen treasure.

I'm off today and will check in the chatroom this evening...probably starting around 5pm CST. If anyone's around, come on in!  Did anyone show up yesterday, Kevin?  Back to my rolls............

Mary W.

Wednesday, February 24, 1999 - 04:57:41 am:
Message from Kevin VICKERS at kevin.vickers@ sympatico:

- 18 degrees centrigrade here in Ottawa this am.  Cold but beautiful.  Spoke with Mary Leslie, Tom Kingston and Anne (with an e) Marie Kingston on Sunday.  I will attempt to be in the chat room again this Sunday, February 28 at 3:00 pm eastern.  It would be great to see how many we could get in there at one time.

Tom tells me my brother John's computer is down but I doubt for long as it is part of his lifeblood.  It would be great to hear from more cousins in this forum as well.  We have doctors, lawyers, engineers, consultants, social workers, teachers, salespeople, brokers, peace officers, cooks, mothers, fathers, wood carvers, financial planners to name just a few of the professions.

No family member should be lacking in good advice on whatever obstacles that you meet along the way.

Wednesday, February 24th, 1999 - 05:55:15 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

Whew!  Just made it through the crashes of all computer crashes.  One resulting benefit of having the system all apart at the computer shop was that I had them enhance my modem to 56K from 28.8 -  still think in retrospect that online cable is the way to go - right JOHN KINGSTON??

Mary how did Grandmother's rolls turn out?  My mother emailed me last week to note that I had made an error in the salt / sugar combination which I re-edited on the recipe page.  Hope you got the recipe after the correction!...:)

Anne Marie with an "e" - will life ever be the same? :)

Happy Birthday to Patricia Kingston-Boyle who has a birthday this Sunday the 28th.  Patricia is George and Stephanie Kingston's daughter (my first cousin) - she and I were born on the same day, same year - 1960!

John V

Thursday, Febraury 25, 1999 - 09:51:20 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Welcome back John!

We missed you!  Glad to hear your computer problems are over and that you came out of it all with a faster modem.

As for the rolls, they turned out great.  I did not have the revised recipe but pretty much knew 1 tsp. of salt was not gonna cut it for 6 cups of flour so I beefed up the amount.  Jack really liked them too.

Kevin, glad to hear you're getting such a great turn-out in the Kingston-Room on Sunday afternoons!  I wish I could join in but I always work on Sundays.  I'll be around this evening and will poke my head in to see if anyone's about. :-)

Mary W.

Sunday, Febraury 28, 1999 - 10:00:27 am:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at

Hi John:

The site is really impressive. So nice to bring all the Kingstons together, at least those with access to technology.

What are the actual dates of the reunion? Will check back in every week or so to get updated on the actual event.

Cheers, Brenda, Bronwyn and Leo MacKinnon

Sunday, Febraury 28, 1999 - 11:49:21 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi Brenda!

I'm glad you found your way to the website...John has created a really special place for all us Kingstons, no?

John: Dad sent me some old pictures which arrived yesterday. OMG!!! I was vascillating between roaring with laughter and getting all teary. :-)

My sister, Suzanne, has a scanner and we'll get together sometime this week to e-mail you some for the website.

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y J O H N V I C K E R S ! ! !

Mary W.