If you have a picture or story about your pet(s), send it to us!  We will
                         post it below.


                               From Mary Weissler.  "This is our Minpin, Albert."
                                "He's nine years old, weighs 10 pounds and is one heck of a little spitfire!"


                             Here are a couple more pictures of Albert with Mary's other dog, Stanley


                                Jack with Albert and Stanley

                              Samantha, family member of Ed, Mary, Erin & Amy Rawlinson

                                .. Candy, our Beagle during the 70's (Vickers's)

                                Sam, my cat.... John V

                                Sam Sleeping

                            Sam Waking Up

                                Aunt Patty's dog, Lassie Kelly!

                            Nelson, age 7 months - family member of Rob and Anne Marie Kelly.


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