summer holidays at GILL
Thursday, July
1, 1999 - 08:23:09 am:
Message from John
Vickers at
"Happy Canada Day"?... Is that it? I was expecting some flags or something, .. Is that the best you can do?!!!
A simple old "Happy Canada Day" is not going to cut the mustard, pal. It doesn't even count as a note. Therefore, I am reclaiming my title to the first post-er of the month.
I am heading down to the Miramichi on Sunday am. Laura has a friend in from Calgary who is coming with us. I have decided to rent a van as Andrew and I are taking the golf clubs. That will be 5 people in all , plus the dog, Abby.
Desperately hot and humid here in Ottawa. I understand I will see Uncle Pat, Aunt Bernadette and cousin Michael who also will be at the VICKERS household. I hear the Norwest has not seen much rain this year and one can walk across the river - does not sound to favourable for fishing salmon.
John, did you use my rod and reel when you were home. If so, where will I find same? Are there any waders at the house?
Kevin - rod's up in Grandmother's closet - reel up above in diningroom
- I brought my own waders down and don't know what else is around.
Summer has yet to arrive in Victoria - we continue to be stuckin spring
mode and people are really beginning to lose it. With
the cold, tourists are going home early - the news also says Victoria is
now experiencing an air ticket rush similar to February or March - people
are saying they want to go anywhere east so they can experience the heat
of summer - with it being July they apparently fear summer might miss us
all together. I am considering using leaded gasoline to speed up
the green house effect. jv
July 4, 1999 - 12:18:03 am:
Message from John
Vickers at jvickers&
Tom, I gotta admit that was a nice flag you posted. Hoping you are having a great Canada Day weekend!
Happy 4th to Kingstons south of the 49th parallel!
Hi--it is just too cold out west ---snowed in Banff Saturday evening while I was watching Stephanie Kingston {10} win silver in the Western Canadian Finals in Jazz Dancing. She is George and Stephanie's grandaughter. I wish I could fly into the eastern warmth, it is just so unfair having to put your furnance on.
We {John K and I} spent somtime building a tenative schedule for Mom and dad's trip out west. Hope we will finally have some summer to share with them.
See Ya,
Last night at the Vickers' camp there was a gathering of the clan. George was doing his singing, accompanied by Bernadette. The Scotch never tasted so good!! Kevin, Ann, Laura and Andrew are with us too. Abby and Samantha, the Golden Retreivers, swam in the river, while the rest of us dined on salmon.
Weather continues to be wonderful!
> Abby and Samantha, the Golden Retreivers, swam in the river, while the rest of us dined on salmon. <
Mary, I am extremely jealous! This all sounds just wonderful...especially the salmon part. I have never tasted salmon in my life that is quite as excellent as that I have had from the Miramachi, doused with gobs and gobs of butter.
Albert and Stanley are jealous too as they would love to be up there playing with Abby and Samantha. We take them to the dog beach frequently and Stanley has developed a little fetish...he loves to eat dead fish. Oh well, not much we can do about it as he's way too fast at it to be stopped and never suffers any adverse effects. Last week, however, he ran ahead of us and was GULPING giant mouthfulls of a HUGE dead fish and as we ran to stop him we saw the entire body cavity was one big undulating mound of greasy, writhing maggots!!! :-O I have never seen anything quite so disgusting in my entire life! God knows how many he ate but he was fine. I avoided getting any kissies from him for a few days though. Just thought I'd share that. :-)
Mary W.
On the subject of pets, I awoke this morning to hear a peculiar flapping sound in the thing I know my cat Sam shows up in the bedroom with a live bird in his mouth..he lets go and the thing flys around my bedroom no worse for wear. After what seemed like forever I caught it and it flew off once I got it outside. Sam seemed so pleased to have brought his catch home! (Today is not a great pet cat day)..)
John V
Howdy folks,
Just had to add our animal adventures to the page. One of the negative things about living close to nature is that you also have to put up with all of the things which go along with it -- bugs, bears, ravens waking us at 5:00am, etc. Well, the last few weeks we have had a red fox taking over our front field. I was very concerned because we have a cat and because Rebecca and I are often out in the yard.
I decided to call Natural Resources to see hat I should do about this "beast" or more specifically what they would do about it. They informed me that that dealing with foxes are not their responsibility (?) and that foxes are harmless to people and cats. I have a hard time believing that. Does anybody have any experience in dealing with red foxes i.e. how to get them to go back where they belong? I don't want to kill or hurt it, just get it away.
Also, Sam, my second brother, has been having great luck catching big trout at the Mill Stream. A few weighed about 2 pounds. He is very proud of his catch and is just waiting for someone to come in so he can show them and cook them up.
> Does anybody have any experience in dealing with red foxes i.e. how to get them to go back where they belong? <
Hi Mary Ellen,
I used to work at a country club with a golf course several years back. One summer we had a problem with a red fox who wandered onto the course and decided to make his home there. I called Wildlife Control and they had me come and pick up a "live trap" and told me to call them when we caught him. It took a few days but we finally got him (put some kind of yummy food in there as bait). The animal control folks then drove him out to some rural area and released him and we never saw him again. Do you know where you might get hold of a trap? The one we used was like a wire crate with a spring loaded door that snapped shut when the fox got inside and stepped on a litle plate. Good luck!
Mary W.
John...your cat Sam sounds even more mischievious than Stanley! At least Stanley sticks with dead stuff. :-)
Mary W.
Kevin Sullivan thank you for the wine making kit you forwarded and for running off all of the gill net pages. My it has been great to read all the notes. You're a thoughtful guy!
July 15--Calgary
and area---Snow-- Yes, it is snowing and raining like
This hasn't happened in about 60 years, rare but not unknown. I can hardly believe this insane weather. Where has the summer gone? Let's hope it will be warm and summer when Mom and Dad (George and Stephanie) are out west for our mini-family reunion.
>Kevin Sullivan thank you for the wine making kit you forwarded <
Monica, I hope this means you're getting a jump start on making mass quantities of wine for the reunion! ;-)
Mary W.
Ya know, I was thinking today that a year from now, we'll be thinking about getting ready to PACK OUR BAGS FOR ONE HELL OF A PARTY!
John V.
Hello to all Kingston
relatives! We on the Miramichi are really looking forward to the
millenium reunion and
hope that all members
of the family (along with their respective relatives and friends) will
feel the anticipation
and warmth we have
at the prospect of hosting such an important family celebration.
As an organizing
committee, we are hoping to co-ordinate, provide information and be of
whatever assistance
we can in making
the reunion accessible and enjoyable for people of all ages while keeping
costs to a
At this time, we
wanted to give a bit more information about the reunion site so that people
can plan properly for
their time at Kingston
2000. Additionally, we have come to the point in our planning where
it is necessary for us
to gather some basic
registration information. Once we know how many people are planning
to attend and
what their basic
requirements are, we hope that we can prepare the site adequately and reserve
the basic
necessary equipment
that might be more difficult to access should we wait until next spring.
First, the basics:
the Kingston 2000 site is reserved from Friday, July 28 to Tuesday, August
8, 2000. This will
give anyone access
for two full weekends and the week in between. However, the main
activities of the reunion
will take place
from Friday, August 4 to Monday, August 7. If you have a limited
amount of time to spend on the
Miramichi, this
last weekend would be the best one to hit.
The site is a forested
twelve acre lot with a large cleared field, sufficient to house many travel
trailers, motor
homes, tents, etc.
The site borders a tributary of the Northwest Miramichi River. The section
of the river that
borders the site
has a medium current and smooth rocky bottom, with most sections under
2-3 feet in depth.
The river is used
extensively for fishing, canoeing, and, particularly at this time of year,
for tubing. There are a
variety of forested
trails and rarely used woods roads nearby, which would be appropriate for
walking, hiking or
At this point in
our planning, we are asking that everyone attending prepare to supply themselves
and be as
as they would during a week of camping in the rough. Although there
are currently three
permanent buildings
and a barbeque pit on the site, they will be entirely inadequate to service
everyone. We
are making plans
to provide adequate outdoor toilet (outhouse) facilities for those who
require them and during
the coming months,
we will be working on addressing other basic needs as well as any requirements
that might
result from the
planning of activities. We will let you know of any other such arrangements
as they are made.
We recognize that
preparing for the reunion might be more difficult for those who are travelling
great distances.
Therefore, we ask
that if you might need some local assistance in finding accommodations,
equipment, airport
information etc.,
please voice any requests or concerns now with the return of this registration.
With a year of
lead time, we will
be in a much better position to assist with those sorts of things this
summer rather than at the
last minute next
Please answer the
following questions so that we will be able to generally understand how
many people are
likely to attend
Kingston 2000. We then hope to be able to understand what sorts of
costs will be involved in
putting the reunion
together and how these costs will be defrayed. We should be able
to give you a better idea
of a reunion "fee"
once all registrations are completed and tallied.
We ask that you please
complete this questionnaire even if you are not sure or not planning to
attend so that we
will know that you
are aware of the reunion and can continue to communicate with you.
Also, if you have
relatives who do
not have access to the internet, please gather their information and submit
a second form on
their behalf.
We would like all Kingston family members, regardless of where they live,
to register.
The deadline for
these initial registrations is Friday, August 20, 1999. For those
we don't hear from, we shall
touch base via post
or through other traditional means.
(Your Web builder
is unable to figure out how to put the following questionaire into an interactive
email message. As a result, click on Mary Leslie's email button at
the end of the questions and forward her your responses. (You
can cut and paste the below questions into the email and then just put
down your answers). Barring that, you
may wish to jot the questions down for easy response. Thanks and
if you know of others who would wish to participate in this survey, please
advise them to visit the July edition of the GILL NET LODGE.)
1. Will you be attending Kingston Reunion 2000?
Definitely Probably Possibly Unlikely No
2. Please indicate the names and ages (as of August, 2000) of the people in your party.
3. What are your tentative arrival and departure dates?
4. What sort of accommodations
will you be arranging or bringing? (e.g. tent, trailer, motor home, hotel
or other
accommodation rental,
staying with relatives or friends, etc.)
5. If you are staying at the Kingston 2000 site, are your camping accommodations equipped with a self-contained toilet?
6. Are there any food allergies or other medical conditions amongst those in your party that you feel we should know about?
7. Do you need any local assistance (no promises, but we'll do our best) with your preparations for Kingston 2000? Do you have any other suggestions, concerns or questions about the reunion, the site, the general area, etc.?
Please forward your
reply to Mary Leslie at the following email button by
August 20, 1999.
Thank you!
Kingston 2000 Organizing Committee
Had a great trip to the Miramichi. Uncle George and Aunt Bernadette entertained us immensely. Over scotch I received devastating news however. I learned from Bernnie and George that the Catholic Church no longer accepts the concept that there is a pergatory. This was my last hope and only possible salvation. I am doomed. I am also somewhat upset. All the praying that I did for those poor souls was all for not. The place never existed. I recall those enthralling paintings of pergatory at the convent and was threatend by many a nun that I would end up there if I continued my mischievious ways. Those old bitties sure had me going.
Scotch is a curious thing. While at home, two members of the immediate family, having consumed a few gallo..glasses of the stuff began singing "Danny Boy", Gallway Bay, "I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen", etc. The scotch however would not allow these find folks to recall the words of the songs. It did however allow their vocal cords to sing an octive or two hundr...higher to accommodate for the shortfall in memory. Grandfather would have been proud of them. Grandmother would of ....well? Perhaps we would be wise to have someone make copies of the words for these songs and others in order to overcome any obstacles that the scotch may raise next summer.
Aunt Monica
I am glad you enjoyed the wine kit. Watch your mail for monthly updates to put in the binder.
Mary Weissler
Please feel free
to pick a wine from the selection for the party.
For a red wine selection:
and for a white
wine selection:
Nice touch John Vickers
on JFK Jr. I remember you doing such a great job with Terry Fox remembrance
on CFAN. Hot hot hot, on the Miramichi!
> ...and the world fell silent.<
Yes, John. We are very sad. Such a wonderful person gone at such an early age. The tragedies the Kennedy family have endured are beyond what any should have to bear. I feel especially sad for his sister, Carolyne and am so glad she is married with children of her own. (sigh)
Mary W.
I was thinking that in terms of Boston Irish Catholicism, little John John saluting the coffin of JFK was about as close to the manger as you could get! He was kind of a brother-at-arms for baby boomers.
Monica Vickers informs me that she will be making wine Mary W! Uncle George has just sent me a complete history of the name "Kingston" and I shall work at posting it as a new icon in the family section.
John V
>He was kind of a brother-at-arms for baby boomers. <
Yup...that he was. I remember sitting in the living room at home watching little John John give his infamous salute...I think I was 11 at the time. :-(
Glad to hear Monica will be getting into wine making! She will probably need some of us to taste her finished product and make sure it's ok before she serves it to the masses at the reunion. I would certainly volunteer.
Kevin S. thanks for posting the wine making sites! Cool! For anyone with wine interest The Winespectator has a great site. I *believe* it's
Mary W.
Saturday, July
24, 1999 - 11:11:07 am:
Message from John
Vickers at
I updated the Kingston
History info that Uncle George forwarded and it is here.
Just in case there are some of us that prefer beer to wine. You can check out the above wine site to see the beer available as well. Although the cost is prohibitive: the cheapest beer I could make will cost $8.15/24. The most expensive $14.62/24.
Yes Tom & John that includes all taxes & no bottle refund charge,and it's Canadian Dollars!
Mother says you're on Mary! (Can I be your assistant volunteer?) She highly enjoyed your enthusiasm for the task!
Kevin Vickers email your Uncle George when you have a chance. He wishes to correspond with you and doesn't have your address. You can just click here at
John V
>Mother says you're on Mary! (Can I be your assistant volunteer?) <
Of course you can!!! When can we expect the first batch to be done?? (hiccup) (hiccup) :-)
Mary W.
We just got back from our 5th annual trip to PEI with two other families we have known since b.c.(before children). Our activities and hours have definitely changed, but it is still as much fun getting together.
I just had to check out the website and am really impressed with the work Uncle George has added regarding our history. The last line of one of them caused me to gasp a bit.... related to the Clinton's of America??? Heaven forbid :).... Take Care everyone, ME
Another cool day
in Yellowknife.....8 degrees this morning. I'm off to the Miramichi
this coming Tuesday.
I can't wait to
see everyone, swim in the Northwest and dive into Mom's rolls with melted
butter and molasses. Yum Yum!
Mary Ellen, did you attend our 20th High School Reunion?
I kayaked from Rae Edzo to my dock in Yellowknife. It took 7 days. There were so many Islands to explore.
Barry Kelly phoned from Vancouver (he is Patty and Brendan's son) and is coming over to the Island to visit for the long weekend. It will be great to have another Kingston first cousin in the house on the heels of Tom's visit. We're having our Carabanna Festival so there should be lots of sights and sounds to enjoy along with a cold beer (or two!).
Here are a half a dozen Miramichi sayings you might remember Will from milk truck days!
1. Meanna-few-adawboys
goin' out fera brew - comin'? (ie..some friends of mine have
decided to visit a local pub and order some beer - would you like to join
2. How
ya makin er' anyway? -( are you feeling these days?)
3. Any
good tares lately? (ie..have you gone out to any public gatherings
where alcohol was served and had a great time?)
4. I am
takin er' reeel easzee..(ie..slang for I am collecting UI)
5. Ya talkin
ta me or what? (ie..excuse me sir, I was wondering if you were directing
your vocabulary in my direction or someone else's?)
6. How
she goin'?..( are you?)
John V :)
You haven't missed the reunion. A last minute "tare" has been organized at the Enclosure on August 21st. I understand that they are looking to do up a 25th (scary!!) the right way and are looking for people to form a committee. I am in waddle mode so I don't think I will make it on the 21st, but I guarantee I won't be pregnant for the 25th and plan to make up for it then.
Take Care....ME
Just a quick note. Had the pleasure of Joanne (Uncle Aloysius' daughter) and Pat Reichers visiting our house as they make their way across Canada to their new home in Halifax. Winnipeg to Halifax with twins just over 1 year old and 2 excitable dogs is amazing! Benjamin and Monica are very sweet kids with their dad's hair (okay well when their dad had hair(!)) and their Mom's smile. Aunt Monica you will be very please with your namesake. Loki and Hagar are dogs (I can't rant about dogs like people so I will just leave it there). Will post pictures when we get them.
It was so great to see Joanne & Pat as it had been since their wedding since I had seen Pat (I think) and at least 2 years since I had last seen Joanne. We made tentative plans to pitch tents in relative proximity to each other next summer at the Reunion. As I have pretty much forsaken any wilderness training my poor father tried to instill in me, I am staying close to them for assistance! And I have to buy a tent now while they are cheap!
Our other news is Spencer has learned to master a bicycle without training wheels, Mia is potty-trained and Renata turned 1 and walks on her own VERY well (and being encouraged / wished into advanced potty training by her parents).
The kids are currently at G's parents for the week so Giulia and I have compressed 6 months of dating / socializing into one week. We sure miss them but we sure enjoy the break too! Saw Austin Powers last night and laughed til I cried. Heading to the Byward Market tonight and looking forward to the long weekend. Ottawa continues to be in the 30 Celsius range.
Best to all
I can't believe it. I have another bird inside my house. This is the second one this month. My cat is abit insane. I mean, what kind of cat brings home live healthy birds only to release them inside?? I am now prepared to ship him anywhere in Canada expenses paid. Any takers??? He would be great with kids, etc.
John V :)