Click here to download or hear the Clinton Creek Alphabet song


Dave Ruddock adapted this song from The Shantyboys' Alphabet, a song from the lumber woods of Eastern Ontario.

For the uninitiated who did not live in Clinton Creek, Yukon some of the references in the song will be lost, however...
Jack Taylor was the well loved Union President.
Dave Ruddock was nicknamed "Killer" for his on ice antics, before Doug Gilmour.
Trailer seven was the  all girls trailer, in a town where single men outnumbered single women ten to one.


The Clinton Creek Alphabet                    July 2009  

Words by David Ruddock with help from Gordon Bradshaw


A is Asbestos Art Anderson found, and

B is the Bridge to our company town.

C is for Clinton Creek, Cassiar too, and

D is the Danger we ofttimes went through.


Chorus (repeat after each verse)

So merry so merry so merry were we!

The Clinton Creek miners were like family.

Hi Derry, Ho Derry, Hi Derry down

Give a miner a whiskey and nothing goes wrong!


E is for Every blast Arnie fired, and

F’s for the Frostbitten feet we acquired.

G’s for Girls attractive and nifty, and

H is the Hill that we called 50-50!


I is "International" tarmac we flied on, and

J is Jack Taylor a man we relied on.

K is for Killer who doctored this song, and

L is for Leaving before very long.


M’s for The Malamute our own saloon, and

N’s for the Nurses who bound up our wounds.

O is the shovel we called One-10-B, and

P is for Ptarmigan where we would ski.


Q is the Question “Who’ll have an Old Style?”

R is our Rivers, Yukon and Fortymile.

S was that Summer night, we were in heaven, and

T is for waking up in Trailer 7!

U is Unusual lights Borealis and

V was our Vigor, no need for Cialis.

W is Wondering if we’ll meet again…and

X is our eXit, once more the refrain!


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