The Gill Net Lodge

S e p t e m b e r  2 0 0 3

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Thursday, August 28, 2003 - 05:26:57 am:
Message from Bernadette Sullivan at

Glad to hear you are safely moved Patty, hope you enjoy Sarnia.

Now I have a question for all the foresters, engineers & woodsmen in the clan.  We had a big Maple tree split during a wind storm - it was a beautiful tree and measured 11ft. 20 inches around the trunk.  Can anyone tell me approximately how old it was?  No smart remarks about not using that other way of calculating measurement!!!!!!!!I   AM AN OLD GIRL SO JUST HUMOR ME.*

Monday, September 1, 2003 - 08:12:56 am:
Message from Patty Kelly at

Let's start the month of September with a Great Anniversary Wish to Monica and Bill.   How Many 48 or 49? Love Patty

Monday, September 1, 2003


Aunt Patty, the folks were celebrating 49 years married today and Mother wrote to say they had dinner up at Mary and Ed's (who are also celebrating an anniversary today if I am not mistaken.).  Mary's Erin and Kevin's Laura are off to Mount Allison Unversity in Sackville later this week to begin their first year at university.

Aunt Bernadette, I certainly have no idea as to the trees age however may have more informed relatives who do!

I arrived in Victoria two months ago and have yet to see a single day's rain.  Went to a beach upIsland (as they say here) this morning and couldn't get to it as you have to walk through a nearby park for access and all parks are closed due to it being tinder dry.  They say Vancouver is really going to be in trouble in terms of water supply if it doesn't rain soon.  I have a first cousin who lives downtown there however as long as the water shortage doesn't affect the BEER supply, he'll probably be okay.  Right Thomas K?!


Friday, September 5, 2003 - 02:20:26 pm:
Message from Tom Kingston at :

"11 feet. 20 inches around the trunk" - Punching that information into a spreadsheet, I'd say the tree was probably "166 years. 120 months. 2weeks. 11 days. 8 hours old +/- 2 hours old", which means it will be celebrating its 177th birthday on September 23rd.

Friday, September 5, 2003 - 09:18:46 pm:
Message from John Vickers at :

WOW!  I am impressed!

Saturday, September 6, 2003 - 05:04:37 pm:
Message from Monica Vickers at :

How about counting the rings?  That is how they did it in our father's time.

Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 08:14:54 am:
Message from George L Kingston at

Tom I think there is something wrong with the math they tried to teach you at Western or Queens.  The tree would know better than be born on Sept 23.  My calculations indicate it was born a year earlier on Sept 22.  That was before you got Martha to put her hand in the door jam so you and Patrica could see if you would damage the door frame.

Expect an early reply. .

  Tribute Lights over Manhatten, NY, Thursday evening, September 11th, 2oo3

On the morning of September 11th, 2001, I was driving into Manhatten when the traffic slowed to a crawl and plumes of smoke were visible on the horizon.  Hours later, I finally got turned around and went to our office in New Jersey and was met by my sales administrator at the time who was very upset over the whereabouts of a sister who worked in Tower 1.  I couldn't call long distance that day as we found out afterwards our long distance company was in Tower 2.  The saddest for me was a  couple of days later when I came across a stretch a ambulances, lights flashing, about 30 in all, driving in a group and below speed limit on New Jersey's interstate 80 heading for the city.  By then there was no hurry, there was nothing left of thousands of people.  The rows and rows of ambulance response teams from far away states had turned their flotilla into a tribute brigade for all those lost.. John

Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 02:54:29 pm:
Message from Tom Kingston at :

Did you do those calculations on a slide-rule?

Friday, September 12, 2003 - 07:30:12 am:
Message from George Kingston at redoak@nbnet.:

My slide rule is in the drawer slumbering.  So I have to consult my shrinks,  or at least that is what they are to me, to calculate the age of the tree and its birth date.  I went away up the North West Miramichi where there is a large hill,  I believe they call it crazy pool, at the bottom the hill.  I looked for some trees that might give me an idea of what the age of Bernie's tree was.  There were none that large so by using dead reckoning I arrived at the Sept 22 date.  I heard someone carried an 18lb salmon up that hill.

Friday, September 12, 2003 - 09:53:12 pm:
Message from Bernadette Sullivan at

Glad to see the tree is creating some dialogue on this site.  Just to clarify it was a huge branch that came down right across our driveway,so we can't count the rings Monica.  We will have approximately 2 bush cords of wood from that branch, which is now all stacked and ready to keep us all warm after another year--we do have to let it season for a year right?????  George,only a couple of poachers would carry that salmon up that hill and I

Saturday, September 13, 2003 - 02:16:47 am:
Message from Tom Kingston at :

So.... two poachers and Bernadette carried the salmon up the hill?

Saturday, September 13th.

Five weeks to the unveiling of Pumpkin Art at Government House.  The craziness has begun...:-)  I had a photographer shoot a pic this morning for their upcoming media release and it is here.  JV

Saturday, September 13, 2003 - 11:22:08 pm:
Message from BernadetteSullivan at

Tommy somehow, and I know it has nothing to do with my limited ability to work this d--- machine , it just does not do what I want it to do sometimes----the last sentence of the previous e-mail got lost cut off whatever!!!!!  Anyhow what I meant to say was I would be no relation to those poachers.  My younger, much loved brother Aloysius took me fishing once only and told me "you can't keep your friggin mouth shut and I'm never taking you fishing again!"  So being the independent brat I still am, I never did get to be a poacher!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 - 12:28:49 am:
Message from Anne Marie at :

News Flash

September 16, 2003----Snow in Calgary

It is true, lightly covered lawns, car covered with about 3 inches of snow. Tree limbs on the ground from the weight.


Wednesday, September 17, 2003 - 07:34:25 am:
Message from George Kingston at

What is going on?  Three inches of snow.  Are you celebrating your birthday early?  Happy birthday on the 18th .

Sunday, September 21st.

Hello Gill Net Lodge,

Enjoying a quiet Sunday here in Victoria. Brrr!  The damp Victoria weather is sure a big change from the hot summer we have endured here in B.C.  Have been back three months already.  Time flys!

The Left. Governor (Iona Campaignola) has informed me that the return of Pumpkin Art to Victoria is justification for an official state ceremony.  They are going to have bag pipes, staging out front of Government House for speeches, etc.  Who would have believed it?  The media guy who works there told me it isn't everyday you have the honour of being "bagged out the front door!"

Uncle George and Aunt Stephanie, I hear the big 50 years married is coming soon.  Congratulations!

John V

Monday, September 22, 2003 - 09:49:23 am:
Message from Patty Kelly at

John, Howdy, famous once again.   All is well in Sarnia, very wet today.  First rain in a while, had family for B's (60th) Birthday dinner Saturday, sure nice having family around.  Love Patty.

This is a link to the Government House website which mentions Pumpkin Art....JV

Saturday, September 27, 2003 - 10:30:39 am:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at

I think that is so cool, John...just think of all the people you are bringing joy to...congratulations once again!

We have had an absolutely fabulous run of weather here in Atlantic Canada....Hurricane Juan is supposed to hit tomorrow...a lot of rain, high winds but it really doesn't sound too bad.  Just picked a couple dozen cucumbers and some beets from the garden.  The cucumbers just keep on growing and growing...everyone has cucumbers and I am sure if you are a zucchini grower, there are lots of those in this neck of the woods this year, too.  How about doing some zucchini art work, John?  Are you ready to branch out into other vegetables?!

Love to all,

Four weeks of pumpkins in one year and that does it for me Brenda!  People often inquire as to what my Christmas decorating plans are and I usually tell them I will be relaxing, eating and doing absolutely nothing! :-) John  (I am attaching the news release they are sending out.)

For Immediate Release
October 1, 2003
Attention:  Assignment Editors

"Pumpkin Art" illuminates
Government House Grounds

VICTORIA --The media are invited to attend ‘opening night’ as the grounds of Government House light up with a unique night-time pumpkin art exhibit that will run from October 24 through October 31st, illuminated nightly from 5:30-9:30 pm.

The Honourable Iona Campagnolo welcomes artist John Vickers to showcase his "Pumpkin Art", more than 150 glowing, intricately carved pumpkins including faces of prime minister and presidents, favourite cartoon characters, even local personalities.  First seen in the artist's own Fairfield neighbourhood years ago, this wonderful exhibit spent last fall at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto in support of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and in 2001 was part of a fundraiser benefit in the New York City area following the 9/11 disaster.

What:  "Pumpkin Art" Illumination!
The Lieutenant Governor and Mr. Vickers will light up the exhibit
Public event followed by apple cider and cookies

When: 5:30 pm
Friday, October 24, 2003

Where: Government House
 1401 Rockland Avenue
 Victoria BC

John Vickers will be available for media interviews as of October 19th to discuss his carvings and may offer some pumpkin carving tips too!  Contact GH Communications 356-9499 to arrange for an interview.

Pedestrian traffic only will be permitted on the site during the evening viewing hours.  For more information please visit our website at

Contact:  Caroline McAndrews
                  GH Communications
                  (250) 356-9499