Photo GalleryIf you have some photo's regarding anything "Kingston" - we'd love to have them! You can either have them scanned and then emailed to us or simply drop them in the mail and we'll scan them for you and then return them.
Mailing address:
John Vickers
140 Bushby Street
Victoria, British Columbia
Canada V8S 1B4Scroll down this page to view pictures to date! If you click on any picture, you may increase its size.
Some of my photo's from the last Kingston Reunion!
My nephew Andrew Vickers with his Uncle Kingston in Florida.
These photo's are from Mary Weissler...
Monica, Bernadette and Mary Weissler
Ann Marie and Mary, 1953
Mary and George Weisller on horse drawn milk truck in front of Grandmother's house in Newcastle (1956)
George and Monica and someone at Schoolhouse
Ann Marie on Honeymoon