1.  First you need a small microphone with a stand.  These can be purchased at any computer store.  I got mine at Radio Shack at the Bay Centre and I believe they are around $20.00.  If you check the holes on your computer, you will see where it plugs in.  Also remember to have the volume button turned up on your computer so when someone calls you, you can hear the phone ring.

2.  Go to 

You will see the above on the left hand side of the page, and note at the bottom above it says 'DOWNLOAD NOW".  Click on this.

3.  Below is what then comes up.  Please note the minimum 3 requirements to use SKYPE including you must have at least windows 2000 or XP for this program to work.   Click on the "download skype for windows" button to begin or if you have a MAC, please note the proper tab on the left side.

4.  When you click on download, a window will prompt you on what to do, and hit RUN.  Another window will then pop up as below.
Hit RUN again.

5.  Follow the next few prompts, including where you click in that you accept agreement.  Also hit NEXT for location destination, and NEXT again under SELECT ADDITIONAL TASKS and then finally hit FINISH. 

6.  A new window will pop up wanting you to fill in your contact information.  Fill this in.  When it comes to your user name, be sure to remember this name and try to be original as it might take a while to find one someone else doesn't already have it.  There are zillions of SKYPE users in the world.  Be sure to click on this page that you want SKYPE to "log you in automatically" (you won't lose calls when you reboot your computer and forget to open SKYPE) and the YES box that you have read and accept the SKYPE agreement.
HIt the NEXT button.

7.  Fill in the next box which asks you about your personal profile.  Fill it most, you can leave the "about box" blank at the bottom and just hit 'UPDATE".

8.  SKYPE is now ready to work.  In

When someone calls you, this above window will pop up on your computer screen.  If you hear the phone ringing on your computer, to answer a phone call, please note at the bottom the two receiver pictures.  Click on the one that left to answer a call, the one on the right to end a call.

Also please note on the above diagram, there is a tab called CONTACTS.  You may wish to add the numbers of fellow skype users to the contacts list so that when you want to call them, all you have to do is double click on their names and the phone call will begin dialing.  When you click on CONTACTS, you will see a prompt for "search SKYPE users".  Try seaching for me for example.  Put in John Vickers and you will see my two skype numbers come up in victoria, BC and the one I currently use is skyguy3. 

HAPPY SKYPING!!!!!!!!!  any problems feel free to contact me at skyguy3 or on my cell at 250-661-5350.

John Vickers