holiday's continue in AUGUST
Check out the comments from your many relatives - just scroll further down this page.
on the moose
button to leave us your thoughts!
Out here in Victoria visiting John Vickers for the long weekend. It's been beautiful so far, weather's great! Cold beer is great too! Went to Carribean festival last night - great time.
Have been out here on the west coast for four months - working in Richmond.
It's about time one of the Kelly's was the first posted message of the month! (Expect more at a later date!)
See ya around
Barry Kelly
Hi John and Barry!
Sounds like you two are having a blast! Carribean Fest??? Only problem is, Barry, I'm sorry to say I don't know who you are! Please fill me in and congratulations on being the first contributor for the month of August!
Mary W.
Sunday, August
1, 1999 - 07:23:59 pm:
Message from Barry
Kelly at :
Hello Mary,
I am the son of Patty and Brendan Kelly. Patty and I were at the last family reunion in the late 80's I believe it was.
I look forward to seeing you next year Mary!
Barry Kelly
Wow! Beautiful hot weather is finally staying around out nice to have heat in successive days! Summer is really beginning despite being half over.
Had a great visit with Barry who caught the ferry back this pm. What a super guy! He is also pretty good at the pool table. Tom K, good pool skills must be part of our family tree! The Caribbean festival is one of Victoria's big events in the summer Mary...they bring in bands from Cuba and hold the event in a big outdoor courtyard with a couple thousand people. It is really something and lasts for about three nights. It was so great this year. Bob Marley tunes and that sort of stuff..
John V
Hello everyone,
This is my cazillionth
try in an attempt to get on the gillnet. AOL does not like the guestbook
for some reason..
Should this get
through, I would like to thank Kevin Sullivan for making wine even more
assessible to my mom and dad. Kevin, my dad already sleeps most of
the day away as it is. Wine will only reduce his already reduced
day... alas, by the way no word from the US Animal Care Expert...)
Looking forward to having Bernie and Pat as neighbors this year.
Take care all..
note: We note you have spelt "neighbors" the American way and not
"neighbours" as in Canada - this is a telltale sign you have been assimilated.
May the force be with you..:)
Well, it's very nice to meet you Mr. Kelly! I was at the reunion in the late 80's as well but don't know if I met you??
OK everyone, we are so whooped up right now I think I might explode! We bought a house yesterday! We've been looking on and off for years and FINALLY found the perfect house for us. It's a lovely Tudor loaded with oldworld charm and lots of unique and special features. It was designed and built by an architect for his own family in 1920. They lived there for 50 years and there have only been two owners since. It's been so beautifully maintained and is in pristine condition so we can move in with no big projects looming over our heads...all we have to do is fence the back yard for Albert and Stanley.
The next few weeks will be nuttttsss for us what with packing, etc. Our closing date is Aug. 27th and that will be here in a heartbeat! I need some Valium RIGHT NOW! :-O
Mary W.
I am in Vancouver until Sunday. Unfortunately, will not be over to the Island. Had lunch today with Sister.
Welcome to the coast Kevin. Sister Margaret called this evening - I am going to try to grab a ferry over there before month's end. I must be sure to visit her.
Will called to say he is in Newcastle and the rolls are good. I am sure they are!
John V
>I am sure they are! <
Me too! And thanks for the congratulatory graphics! :-)
Mary W.
It has been a few days since anyone posted a message, so I thought I would take this opportunity to follow-up on Stephen Kingston's message about my sister Jo-Ann's and her family's trek from Winnipeg to the east coast. I must first say it is absolutely wonderful having her "back home".
Everyonce in a while I think about where she was at this time last year and truly am reinforced in the fact of the power of prayer. Looking at her today you would not believe that she was in ICU this time last year with the chance of not surviving.
JoAnn & Pat's twins are so different it is hard to believe they are related let alone being twins. Besides not looking a like, their personalities are very different. Ben is very clingy, sensitive child and Monica takes after her name sake and is a very intense, independent little woman.
Jo-Ann has her hands
full and it really confirmed for me what my life will be like in a few
months when Baby Ritchie gets mobile. I invited her children over
to my house -- thinking it was babyproof -- but within minutes
they showed me I
failed miserably. Who would ever guess that cat food would be so
inviting to a 1 year old!
Well, best be off. Life at the college is in high gear these days.
It's August 11th. Happy Birthday to Big Bill and "Little" Bill Vickers...!
John V
...from Aug 13th
- a Friday at that! I have officially decided that a week of summer
vacation is of neccessity and managed to snag a last minute flight down
to Portland, Oregon to visit a friend. Byyyyyye!
> I invited her children
over to my house -- thinking it was babyproof -- but within minutes
they showed me I
failed miserably. Who would ever guess that cat food would be so
inviting to a 1 year old!
Hahahaha! Well, at least cat food is nontoxic and high in protein! Thank goodness it wasn't bleach or rat poison! I remember when I was a small child and my sister Suzanne was maybe four (that would make me eleven at the tme)...she had some of her little friends over and they were playing "horsie" in the back hall. Mom had put down some ant traps that had very attractive green poison in a little metal dish. The horsies lapped up all the green stuff and became quite ill. Mom felt much worse than the horsies! :-(
Mary W.
I have heard through
the grapevine that Baby Ritchie will not be the youngest Kingston at the
reunion. I understand 2 more are on the way. Hopefully, these
future parents will make their announcement official..... ME
Up tomorrow morning at 4:30 am. This will be my 4th trip to River de loup, Quebec this summer. Making a meet to pick up Ann and Laura. 6 hours each way. The drive along the St Lawrence River is beautiful however enough already.
Hope everyone is having a great summer.
Where is Tom?
Howdy Kevin,
Tom Kingston is missing in action. We have played phone tag recently however it has been a while since we touched base. Kevin - have you been to the Portland area in your travels?? Really enjoyed my trip down there.
Mary Ellen - I am wondering if we should have a counter for total descendants - sounds like it would be moving forward on a monthly basis!
John V
Aunt Stephanie did a count(including the three on the way) and the total is up to 187 people connected to Grandmother and Grandfather. Amazing!!!
I tell ya', though,
I definitely am not going to add anymore to that number. I love the
wonderful life that enters the world at the end, but in my opinion, pregnancy
sucks :)....ME
The dog days of summer at Gill Net Lodge. Tom K - thanks in advance for sending that file. Hopefully I will be able to open it up this time.
Mary Ellen - sounds like pregnancy has its moments!
John V
Howdy folks,
I am working at the Francophone Summit in Moncton on behalf of the College and it has been very quiet. Boutros Boutros Gallie (not sure of the spelling) was here the other day, but other than he and his security guards, there has been very little excitement. Most of the delegates arrive during the upcoming week, but I did not volunteer nay time as it is Orientation week at the college and sure to be quite busy.
John, you are right, pregnancy does have its moments. Only 6 more weeks to go (yeah). I will be so glad to have this behind me. Just to see my feet again will be a treat. :)
I hope everyone is well. Take Care...ME
Uncle George and John K. have forwarded some wonderful additional ancestry information from Sam and Lillian and onward. It is now available in the Kingston History section and you can access it here.
George your efforts have made this site so much richer. (I am just the dresser-upper)
John V
Hi everyone! I hope this is the way to post a message on the Kingston web-site. I can't seem to get into the registration page so hopefully the event organizers can do it for me.
I am ABSOLUTELY coming next year and will be bringing most of my clan in tow. Steve and I still live together and reside in Ajax....being the only unmarrieds, we have to stick together! Cathy, Pete, Scott and John have 9 kids combined and John and Dee finally got it together to have the first boy with a Byberg last name....finally. Scott, John and I all work in the big city of Toronto while the others in the family have had enough brains to keep out of the rat race.
The last reunion
I attended was in 1980 and I am excited to see if Paula-Marie and I look
the same still. To all my aunts and uncles, don't worry about me
staying out of trouble....Bernadette calls often and keeps me on the straight
and narrow. I will follow up with the rest of my brothers and sister
and will confirm how many of us are coming next year.
Hi Annie,
Nice to see your message and very glad to hear that you and the rest of your family will be coming next year. I hope you know that you are always welcome to make a trip before then and need not wait for the reunion. Call it research :) Take Care...ME
Think it's just great that you are coming, Ann! Tell your brothers and sister (and families) that we would love to see them, too!
Your Aunt Carmel